Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2 Years of All You Magazine for $20

If you attended my coupon class or you just are interested in all the coupon match-ups I do with All You Magazine, now is your chance to order 2 years for only $20! This is the price I signed up for last year and believe me, it's worth it!

The only way I could find to get it this cheap was to start a fundraising event, so I chose my Children's Choir to reap the benefits of the fundraiser.

Go here and click on "View all selections" under the magazines. Then use the search function on the upper right hand side to search for "All You", then you can click on the All You Magazine and select 1 year for $15 for 2 years for $20. You can even do a renewal if you already receive All You.

I always like to share good deals with you and believe me, this is one worth checking out!


Lori said...

How many magazines come in a 2 year subscription?

Saving Sherry said...

24, there is 1 issue a month.