Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Updated Meijer Deals!

So, I just went to Meijer and totally SCORED with combining coupons from the Kraft deal and Meijer Mealbox Coupons! Here are all the deals I scored with:

Kraft Miracle Whip is $2
$1 Meijer Mealbox coupon here
$1 from the 4/26/09 SS or Kraft Printable
FREE after coupon and Mealbox coupon!

Oscar Mayer Meat Hot Dogs are $1.25
$1/2 in 5-10 SS or Kraft Printable
$1/2 Meijer Mealbox
$.25 each after MQ and MB coupons!

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is $.50
B3G1 Free Printable!
Buy 6 boxes and get a Catalina for $2 off your next order
$.50 for 6 boxes after Catalina and coupon!

Kraft Singles are $3.50ish
$1/2 Kraft Printable
$1/2 Meijer Mealbox
$2.50ish each after MQ and MB coupons (Okay, not a great deal, but I was out! Hopefully they will go on sale next week!)

Kraft Salad Dressing is $1.60
$1 Kraft Printable
$1 Meijer Mealbox
MONEYMAKER after MQ and MB coupons!

Remember, you can only do 1 of each of these deals per transaction, per Mealbox rules: only 1 like coupon per transaction. And, you can only get 1 Catalina per transaction. So, I went with the boys this afternoon, and I'm sending my husband this evening! Don't forget to pick up your $.27/lb bananas!

Happy Savings!