Saturday, August 1, 2009

Saving Sherry's Sincere Apologies

I am so sorry I have been MIA so frequently lately. I have been having some health issues that prevented me from spending much time on the computer. I actually have a plan if I am unable to be online this week. My friend Pam who has never blogged before has agreed to step in and help me out if I need it. I appreciate her generosity, but am hopeful that I will be able to do it myself as I am feeling a little better today. So watch out for posts this week from Penny Pinching Pam (maybe)!

I also need to apologize for some mistakes in my Meijer School Deals posts. Meijer apparently left some deals online from 2008 and I posted them as currently ongoing. I am very sorry! I try my very best to post actual deals, but sometimes mistakes do happen. I legitimately found the deals on Meijer's website and had no clue they were just left over from last year! I will be correcting them in my posts as soon as I finish this post. It took almost 4 days for me to hear back from corporate that the deals were no longer valid, so although I was aware of the problem earlier this week, I only found out this morning the definitive problem. Again, I apologize for any problems this may have caused you.

So, I will try to post more often this week and if I am unable, I have someone waiting in the wings to step in and help me. I hope you forgive me for my lack of posting and my Meijer mistake and I hope you continue reading Saving Sherry!